Arriving on time assures you receive the full length of the massage requested. It's also polite.
Speak up! Let the therapist know if you need more work in one area, more pressure, less pressure, or are too warm. Talk about your day, your family, your job, or snore away!
Massage therapy works best with resting as much as possible for the rest of the day. Work, cooking, meetings or driving can add stress - the stress you just purged in your treatment.
Massages releasestoxins from your muscles that enter your blood stream. Some people are sore after their treatment. Water, and a lot of it, will flush these from your system to maximize the benefit of massage.
While it has a relaxing effect, alcohol is a diuretic - it pulls water out of the body. Since you need as much water as you can take. Drinking alcohol can lead to a negative feeling the next day - soreness, headache, and even dehydration.
All the following are benefits of massage: